Event Update

Await Covid19()

We don't have any upcoming events at the moment due to the ongoing pandemic. Join our mailing list to be kept up to date on all things JSNE.

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Previous Event

React and Internationalisation

We’ll cover internationalisation (i18n) and localisation (l10n) - what they are, how to approach localising your website and common pitfalls.

Using a basic React app, we’ll run through how to get started with the popular react-intl library. Finally, we’ll look at some of the tooling that’s available to support the integration of translation into an agile workflow.

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Previous Event

Automating Continuous Improvement

Approaches change all the time, whether they are changes in the APIs we consume or the latest best practices. Often change takes time. Previous patterns continue to be used, old code remains untouched - things quickly get inconsistent.

Craig Ayre from Softwayre will be here showing how we can create custom codemods that update existing code and how we can create custom lint rules that enforce our new processes are preferred going forward.

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Previous Event

The Remote Life of Scott Walton

Working remote is all the rage right now, with more and more companies either giving an option to work remotely or even going fully remote!

Scott from Hotjar will be here to talk about how they run their development teams in a fully distributed environment, with some tips on how to manage your lifestyle, the benefits of being fully remote and an overview of how Hotjar manage development projects.

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Previous Event

Game Development with JavaScript

There's a lot more to game dev than vanilla JS and HTML5. In this talk, Katie Walker will discuss ways of developing 2D and 3D games for mobile, web and even smartwatch (Wear OS). We'll be touching on Pixi.js, Phaser.js, Cocoon.js and also React and Vue.js.

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Previous Event

Coding is Serious Business

Coding is serious business. Except it isn't. Code gives us the power to unleash our creative potential in new and interesting ways, whether that’s making interactive art, creating live music and visualisations, building games or even adding joyful flourishes on a web app.

In this talk, Luke will show that our code doesn’t just have to be for building boring applications. Using real examples, Luke will talk about some ways that we can bring creativity into our coding projects. By the end, Luke hopes to have inspired you to bring creativity into your projects, whether that’s a few little flares in your application, or an entirely creative project.

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Previous Event

Finding My Sanity

This month we are joined by Jamie Bradley. Jamie's talk covers the basics of JAMstack i.e. what it is, why it’s becoming so popular and also some of the potential drawbacks with using JAMstack. Jamie will then follow up with a short demonstration of a project using Gatsby along with a Headless CMS solution called Sanity. Jamie will showcase how this fits into the JAMstack and why it is proving to be a success.

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Previous Event

A Serverless Approach to API design

This month we are joined by Jonathan Steele from Moltin who will be talking to us about the benefits of building your next API using a serverless approach. We will explore Zeit’s Now platform and how you can transition from existing framework based Node apps.

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Previous Event

A Point of Vue

In this talk, Nathan will be giving us an overview of Vue.js, how you can use it in your project and how it works in comparison to other JS frameworks. Nathan Dunn is a freelance software developer at Solosoft, where he helps companies build Software-as-a-Service products.

Nathun Dunn presenting 'A point of Vue' at the Jazz Cafe

Previous Event

Christmas Quiz

Join us for the last event of the year! Prizes to be won and a chance to win a Frontend NE conference ticket for everyone in attendance.

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Previous Event

Building Web & Mobile Apps with JavaScript & GraphQL

This month we are joined by Ian Massingham from AWS who will be giving his talk Building Web & Mobile Apps with JavaScript & GraphQL

GraphQL is an open standard that lets you request, change, and subscribe to the exact data you need in a single network request. This makes prototyping and building data-intensive applications as simple as writing a few lines of code.

In this session, we’ll introduce the core concepts of GraphQL and put that into practice with real-world implementations using tools such as AWS AppSync and the AWS Amplify toolchain.

People attending a JSNE event.

Previous Event

Building Frontends with Elm

This month we are joined by Jack Franklin from thread.com who will be talking to us about building frontends with Elm!

Elm is yet another attempt at producing a language that compiles to JavaScript, with a couple of differences that make it of particular interest; it's a functional, statically typed language where all values are immutable.

In this talk Jack will introduce the Elm language, show some of its features and demonstrate why he thinks Elm is something all JavaScript developers should be paying serious attention to.

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Previous Event

Lerna: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

This month we have Sam Hogarth (@samhogy) who will be talking about Lerna, a tool for managing node-based monorepos - its origin, usage and key benefits.

We will cover why you may wish to consider moving towards a monorepo and some strategies for migration. We’ll look into how this affects versioning, testing, modularity, continuous delivery pipelines and other such concepts from the perspective of the “good, bad and ugly” features.

Please note this month's event takes places on a Tuesday.

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Previous Event

Hackday 2018

Our next event is a hackday! Bring your laptop and work on anything you like alongside the community. Optional lightning talk opportunities.

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Previous Event

Gatsby, Serverless & Alexa

  • 18/07/2018, 16:00
  • Jonathan Steele, Nathan Dunn

This week we have Jonathan Steele taking us through Static Site Generation with Gatsby, followed by Nathan Dunn who will be discussing Serverless frameworks and Amazon Alexa.

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Previous Event

The Future of JavaScript

This week we're joined by Craig Ayre who will be going through the future of JavaScript. He'll be covering TC39 proposals, how Babel has changed DX, and all things smoosh.

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Previous Event

JavaScript & Testing

Our first event opens with a bang 💥 Scott Walton from HotJar will be running through testing in JavaScript.

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